If you are enrolled in an English literature course, you will undoubted study Alexander Pope. He wrote poetry during the period that has come to be known as the Enlightenment, a time when there was great emphasis on return to the science and reason of the ancient classical civilizations, namely Greek and Roman.

What does responsibility mean to you? This could easily be the topic of a definition essay in an English comp course. And we use the term so loosely, that a clear definition is often mired in in judgment, criticism, and argument. But all of this looseness gives the opportunity for lots of essay assignments in lots of different courses, and they can all be interesting to write.

Lorraine Hansberry, author of the play, A Raisin in the Sun, grew up on the Southside of Chicago, an all-black neighborhood. Events of her life impacted everything she wrote. When her well-educated parents moved the family to a white neighborhood, they faced the wrath and legal action by those residents.

As laws and law enforcement policy related to marijuana change, the topic of marijuana has become quite popular among college students. After all, this is a subject that can be appropriate for a wide variety of courses.

Autism is a term that you might have heard in passing from the media, autism foundations, family friends and others. It is a neurological disorder that impairs children’s social interaction habits, and their communication.

Research paper writing is something that you will come across for many years when you are in college and universities. You might even work in institutions that require research paper writing.

Writing research paper requires you to focus on the academic papers, subjects, and the ideas. You must have passionate about the topic that you are going to write about.

Deciding on a research paper topic is already hard enough. You definitely need a topic that will attract your readers. The broader the topic that you choose the more the limitations you will face writing your paper.

One of the common assignments that a high school student may be given by his or her professor is preparing a research paper. A high school research paper often asks the writer to identify and explore a particular subject.

The research paper is a common paper written in college, universities and also high schools. It requires preparation and time to complete these treacherous academic papers.